Affiliate Program

Join us and boost your income!

We invite you to share our program with friends, family, and community members. Our multi-level affiliate program offers a unique opportunity to maximize your potential and enhance your earnings.

1% 3% 7%

Advantages of our program:

No Active Deposit:

Earn fees even without providing liquidity on Cryptonica.

Multi-Level System:

Earn from every level of your referral network.

Partner Support:

We value our partnership and are committed to supporting your journey towards success.

Reward structure:

Our multi-level affiliate program offers a unique opportunity to maximize your potential and boost your earnings.


Earn from deposits made
by affiliates you directly recruited.

7% of deposits

made by your affiliates


Earn from deposits made by users
recruited by your affiliates.

3% of deposits

made by users referred by your affiliates


Earn from the deposits made by second-level
users in your affiliate program.

1% of deposits

made by second-level users

For every tenth ACTIVE Affiliate you invite.



For attracting partners to the Cryptonica Liquidity Pool.

Frequently asked questions

What is an affiliate program?

It is a unique opportunity not only to use the services of Cryptonica but also to earn by attracting new clients. Thanks to a multi-level reward system, you can earn a commission from each deposit made by the users you attract and their partners.

How can I join the affiliate program?

The procedure is simple: Sign Up on our website, acquire a unique affiliate link in your personal account, and commence inviting new affiliates.

Is it possible for me to participate without adding liquidity?

Yes, one of the benefits of the affiliate program is the opportunity to earn rewards without the need for any initial deposit.

What is the frequency of affiliate reward payouts?

Rewards are automatically deposited into your balance upon your partner's deposit or completion of another eligible transaction. Withdrawal of rewards from your account is possible at any given time.

How can I track my rewards and the activity of my partners?

Detailed statistics, such as the quantity of referrals, their level of engagement, your rewards, and additional information, can be accessed in your personal account.

Are there any limits on the number of partners I can attract?

No, you can attract as many partners as you wish.

What additional bonuses will I receive apart from the primary affiliate rewards?

In addition to the primary commission structure within the multi-level system, an additional bonus of $250 is provided for every tenth active affiliate recruited into the Cryptonica Liquidity Pool program.

What does "active affiliate" mean?

An active affiliate refers to a partner who has enrolled in the program through your affiliate link and completed a deposit. Activation of an affiliate is contingent upon the completion of a deposit.

How does the bonus system for every tenth active affiliate operate?

For each tenth active affiliate that is recruited (10th, 20th, 30th, etc.), a supplementary bonus of $250 is granted. This bonus is applied to your account balance upon the activation of the respective partner.

How can I increase my affiliate rewards?

The greater the level of engagement in attracting new affiliates and assisting in their development, the higher the potential rewards that can be earned.

Can I earn fees if my affiliate also becomes a partner?

Certainly! Our multi-level system provides rewards not only for your direct affiliates but also for users they referred up to the third level inclusive.

Can affiliate rewards change over time?

Affiliate rewards may vary based on current marketing campaigns and the company's strategy. We frequently assess the affiliate program terms to stay competitive and align with partner needs and market trends. Any changes will be communicated in advance through official channels like email and notifications in your account.

Want to learn more or start collaborating?

Do you have any questions?

Write to us and we will answer
you as soon as possible.

We accept deposits

USD Coin
Bitcoin Cash