Sep 15, 2023 03:40 0 Blog/News
Survey: 38% of Crypto ATM Cryptonica users are oriented towards long-term Bitcoin storage

At Cryptonica, we are engaged in the installation and maintenance of crypto ATMs worldwide. Our crypto ATMs run on modern functional software developed by our employees, allowing users to purchase and sell cryptocurrency as quickly and easily as possible. Even a person encountering such technology for the first time will easily understand how to use our crypto ATM.

Why through Cryptonica crypto ATMs is it worth buying Bitcoin

We offer our users a variety of popular cryptocurrencies today, and over time this list will only expand. However, the main asset most often purchased by our users remains Bitcoin. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Bitcoin is the very first cryptocurrency. Despite the emergence of many altcoins, it retains its popularity. Over time, its functionality as a payment instrument only grows - it is accepted in online stores and other online platforms. Individual large companies and small businesses are introducing payment for their goods and services using cryptocurrency. This makes Bitcoin a preferable choice for long-term investment.
  2. The reliability of Bitcoin. The likelihood that Bitcoin will disappear from the market is extremely low. By investing in this digital asset, you barely risk losing your investment and are more likely to even earn money by waiting for a favorable time to sell.
  3. Potential for earnings over short distances. The Bitcoin rate constantly fluctuates within wide ranges. For example, in early January 2023, those who timely bought and sold coins were able to earn up to $600 over three days.

How do Cryptonica crypto ATM users choose their Bitcoin investment format?

We surveyed our users and found that 38% prefer long-term Bitcoin storage, waiting for its significant price increase. Here are the main reasons they cited:

  1. Main source of income. Users have a main source of income, and they buy Bitcoin to save and grow their savings, considering it a more profitable alternative to a bank deposit.
  2. Lack of time for monitoring. Investors do not want to spend time constantly monitoring the Bitcoin rate, so their main goal is long-term storage.
  3. Short-term investments in other assets. Some users use other assets for short-term investments, while stockpiling Bitcoin as they await its significant appreciation.

Why is long-term Bitcoin storage the right choice?

We asked our users this question during the survey and received the following answers:

  1. Limited Bitcoin quantity. Most respondents agree that after all coins are mined, their value will significantly increase. This position is held by most cryptocurrency experts and users.
  2. Chart of value changes. Respondents noted that significant appreciation usually follows a Bitcoin price drop. Intervals between such fluctuations can range from 6 to 24 months.
  3. Reaction to global changes. Bitcoin is sensitive to political, economic and other global changes, giving it chances for substantial appreciation in the future.
  4. Cryptocurrency legalization. Many countries are legalizing cryptocurrencies, increasing their economic role. Given that Bitcoin is the primary cryptocurrency, it will enjoy increased demand.
  5. Flexibility potential. Our users also noted that even if their plans change, they will always be able to profitably sell Bitcoin thanks to its constant value fluctuations.

Where to store coins

Storing digital assets on centralized and decentralized exchange accounts carries risks of fraud or hacking. We recommend storing Bitcoin on DeFi wallets, which ensure security immediately after buying coins via our crypto ATM. Hardware or cold wallets can also be used. The main thing is to not forget or lose login credentials.

We accept deposits

USD Coin
Bitcoin Cash